Special Educational Needs & Disabilities


At Up Up and Away, we are dedicated to providing an inclusive and caring environment where every child, regardless of their individual needs, can thrive. We understand that each child is unique, and our approach to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is centred around offering the right support for each child’s development and well-being.

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) works closely with you, your child’s key person, and any relevant outside professionals to create a tailored support plan that meets your child’s specific needs. Whether it’s collaborating with Speech and Language Therapists, Health Visitors, or other specialists, we are here to ensure that your child feels supported, understood, and included in all aspects of preschool life.

We believe that strong partnerships with parents and carers are key to providing the best care and support. If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s development, we are always here to listen, offer guidance, and work together to ensure your child has everything they need to grow and succeed.

For more information about local SEND services and resources in Essex, please visit the Essex Local Offer.